2015 -2016

Causes and Effects started with the concept that perhaps there are as many pasts as there are futures.
Appears in Daily Science Fiction, June 28, 2016, Sold January 2016, 1,500 words

Haunted was a collaboration between Cat Rambo and myself where each of us brought our skills to bear on a piece of short fiction that sort of got away from us.
Appears in Abyss & Apex, Spring 2016. Sold July 2015, 18,600 words

Footprints in the Snow was a deliberate attempt to write a Christmas story with “heart” involving aliens facing very real prejudice in a typical suburb.  Any relation to current societal issues is completely deliberate.
Appears in Analog Science FictionFact, December 2015,  Sold June 1, 2015  5,400 words

Culmination stemmed from a debate about the limits of science and where the human mind might go when all of the scientific problems are “solved.”  I also enjoyed giving the characters nearly God-like powers with a minimum of description.
Appears in Daily Science Fiction, July 20, 2015,  Sold March 28, 2015  700 words

Premature Submission Syndrome (PSS) originally appeared as a humorous blog piece in which I admitted to my impetuous personal failure of pushing pieces out far earlier than was wise.
Appears in The SFWA Bulletin, Spring 2015, Sold February 2015, 500 words.

High Jack was developed from material I collected when I was writing the Jupiter stories (Primrose and Thorn, Primrose Rescue, etc.)  The timing of this piece precedes the events in the other stories and is one small part of the JBI exploitation of Jupiter’s riches.
Appears in Trajectories,  2016, Sold January, 2015, 7,000 words.

Slider is a near future story about a proud father’s desires for his son’s success as a pitcher despite his son’s feelings on the matter.  It is a story about the love of baseball, mortality, and romance.
Appears in Analog Science Fiction/Fact, May 2015, Sold April 2014,  7,800 words

Distant Seas is a “make-up” novel of the collected novellas and novelettes in the industrialization of Jupiter universe. All of them focus on sailing, from the bitter seas of the Southern Ocean to the rose-red soup within Jupiter’s atmosphere and the dust-dry Plantia of Mars.
Available from Fantastic Books, Amazon, and other sources,  ISBN 978-1-62755-633-0, Released April 2015, 216 pages